Sunday, December 04, 2011

Is Linux Logo Really a Penguin?

Like you always see when you search about Linux in the web it always shows the penguin logo that Linux Torvalds approved as the official Linux logo and mascot. His name is TUX that is stood for (T)orvalds (U)ni(X). The use of this logo is freely available, and you find it everywhere on Linux magazines, Web sites, and other Linux venues

The Story Behind the Tux

In 1996 Linus Trovalds, the Finnish creator of the Open Source operating system Linux, visited the National Zoo and Aquarium with members of the Canberra Linux Users Group, and was captivated by one of the Zoo’s little Penguins. Legends has it that Linus was infected with a mythical disease called Penguinitis. Penguinitis makes you stay awake at night thinking about Penguins and feeling great love toward them.
Not long after this event the Open Source Software Community decided they needed a logo for Linux They were looking for something fun and after Linux mentioned his fondness of penguins, a slightly overweight penguin sitting down after having a great meal seemed to fit the bill perfectly. Hence, Tux the penguin was created and now when people think of Linux they think to Tux.

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