Monday, February 27, 2012

CrunchBang Linux

CrunchBang Linux is an Ubuntu based distribution featuring the lightweight Openbox window manager and GTK+ applications. The distribution has been built and customised from a minimal Ubuntu install. The distribution has been designed to offer a good balance of speed and functionality. CrunchBang Linux is currently available as a LiveCD; however, best performance is achieved by installing CrunchBang Linux to your hard disk [see the disclaimer below].


CrunchBang Linux has been reported to be a \u201dA Faster Ubuntu\u201d. While CrunchBang Linux is not primarily designed for old systems, it has been reported to operate very well where system resources are limited. Once installed, CrunchBang Linux should boot-up and operate much faster than a regular Ubuntu installation.
Compatibility with Ubuntu
With the exception of a few packages, CrunchBang Linux is built entirely from packages available from the Ubuntu repositories. CrunchBang Linux uses the same APT package management tools and update manager. CrunchBang Linux comes with all the lastest package updates installed and ready to go. If you are already familiar with Ubuntu, you should have no trouble working with CrunchBang Linux.
Ease of use
CrunchBang Linux comes with the ability to play most popular media formats, including but not limited to MP3, DVD playback & Adobe Flash. CrunchBang Linux also comes with many popular applications installed by default, including but not limited to Firefox 3 web browser, VLC media player, Skype and Transmission BitTorrent Client.
Highly configurable
CrunchBang Linux is infinitely hackable, this is mainly due to the standards compliant light-weight extensible window manager that is Openbox. CrunchBang Linux also comes installed with Conky, the customisable lightweight system monitor; and PCManFM, a very popular and highly configurable file manager.
Sans Brownness
Finally, unlike Ubuntu, CrunchBang Linux isn't brown :)
CrunchBang Linux comes installed with many popular applications, including, but not limited to:
  • Firefox web browser with working Flash plugin.
  • Rhythmbox music player and VLC media player with pre-installed codecs for MP3 and DVD playback etc.
  • Skype VoIP client.
  • Gwibber microblogging client.
  • GIMP for image and photo editing.
  • etc.

CrunchBang Linux is not recommended for anyone needing a stable system or anyone who is not comfortable running into occasional, even frequent breakage. CrunchBang Linux could possibly make your computer go CRUNCH! BANG! Therefore CrunchBang Linux comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by applicable law.
CrunchBang Linux is an unofficial version of Ubuntu. Ubuntu and Canonical are registered trademarks of Canonical Ltd. CrunchBang Linux is not affiliated with Canonical Ltd.

Click here to go to their official website.

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