Monday, February 27, 2012

NetSecL Linux

The project started as a Linux distribution spread among friends and soon enough was spread in Internet by the name of ISlack. The focus of the Linux distribution was on security. Initially only configuration was hardened later on GrSecurity began playing a big role in the Linux distribution. The distribution used tgz (Slackware Linux) Packages, the current version of NetSecL Linux uses rpm package management and is based on OpenSuse. Penetration testing became also one of the focuses of the Linux distribution - the distribution includes well know application as Metasploit, Wireshark, Etherape, OpenVas, Nmap as well as many console applications for penetration testing. 

NetSecL ToolSet is a subproject of NetSecL Linux containing all penetration tools as in the LiveCD of NetSecL Linux. The goal of this sub project is to have a minimal linux distribution in VM with a shh webshell (ajaxterm), no GrSecurity or hardening as in the live cd. After starting the appliance you can use it remotely via ssh or via web browser on http://ip:8022 user:tux password:linux root password is also linux.
Click here to go to the download page

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