Monday, February 27, 2012

Manhattan OS

Manhattan OS's purpose is to produce a simplistic, intuitive, up to date and easy to use Linux distribution.
Manhattan OS is an up and coming Linux distribution. Originally launched as an experiment to make Linux easier for it's developers, it has now become somewhat of a phenomenon and is developing into arguably the most user-friendly distributions or operating systems on the market - complete with a custom panel (AWN), social menus, global menus and buttons, a custom Compiz engine, applications that most people need for day to day use, as well as a software center allowing easy access to many more programs. This project develops with one goal in mind: to present the easiest operating system with the most features possible. The developers are in constant collaboration with their community, which is constantly growing and suggesting improvements.
Some of the attractions of Manhattan OS are:
  • Improvements are constantly being made, and new features are always being implemented as they are suggested or 'discovered'. Whether these ideas come from a post on the forums, the fan page, or from an interesting news article on Web Upd8 or OMG! Ubuntu!, you can be sure that you'll probably see some of these implemented sometime in the future!
  • It is a Debian-based distribution which allows access to some of the most robust packaging managers and package selections in the Linux world!
  • It is compatible with and uses some of the Ubuntu repositories. This allows a much greater selection of software and hardware drivers to our users.
  • It comes with immense desktop improvements which make it easier for everyone to do common things, even if they've never used Linux before!
  • There is a strong focus on making things work out of the box (WiFi cards drivers in the file system, multimedia support, screen resolution, etc).
Click here to go to their official website.

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