Monday, February 27, 2012

Hymera Linux

Hymera is a Linux distribution developed for being implemented or on complex infrastructures of management, or in simple local atmospheres. It introduces itself with innovative a graphical interface and simple to use, cured in every detail, it confers to the system a clean and clear aspect. The desktop predefined Hymera it is devised in order to guarantee high performance: also the accustomed customer to use other atmospheres, will not perceive the difference and will be in a position to working quickly and at best.
Hymera Desktop is the ideal instrument is for the office that for the house. In professional within, the operating system for desktop, allows to carry out in efficient way the main productive activities through applications with which it is possible to write, to read and to print documents, to create presentations and sheets of calculation or to use mail and browser web. Ulterior software included in the package concurs the fruizione of multimediali contents for svago and the free time. The main characteristic remains however the facility of I use and modernization of the entire system
With Hymera Desktop it comes rendered available Linux to all the customers in natural and completely intuitivo way. It is not necessary to be of the experts in order to have use of of the offered operating potentialities from the Hymera solution. A desktop friendly an immediate and sure start concurs, inviting the customer to use the numerous applications available.
Complete suite for the office Solution desktop completes that it comprises all the instruments for the productivity. The system includes a suite for office with which it is possible to elaborate witnesses, to create or to modify sheets of calculation, presentations and database.
3D Graphical Desktop Graphical ambient Entusiasmante with exceptional effects desktop in a position to making to live to the customer an indeed only experience. A truly new way in order to converse with the computer using functions which spin of the desktop in 3D, affiancamento of the applications, etc
Multimedia Applications The Desktop version has a complete range of multimedia applications in order to listen to music or to view photo and movies. It is possible to connect cameras, to acquire images, to edit, to produce webpages, to print documents and a lot more.

Hymera Open is an operating system available free of charge been designed with the scope to improve and to simplify the interactive model between man and computer.
Extremely user friendly a graphical interface makes this distro easy to use with the less experinces user.
Designed to avoid difficult manual configuration Hymera uses Open, a sophisticated Plug-n-Play system, where it is possible to connect to the PC a great number of devices.
Hymera recognizes the new hardware instantaneously: cameras, printing, scanner, MP3 devices and a lot other quickly without the installation of driver or other software.
Hymera candid Open to become itself the true alternative to Microsoft Seen. it is convenient, easy to use and concurs all the typical functionalities of Microsoft Vista and Office.
It constitutes a sure solution and it completes. Once installed it is offered immediately of a complete set of applications in order to carry out the main operations connected to the use of the computer. It arranges, in fact, of a complete suite for the multimediali office, applicativi, instruments for the access to the net; and still instruments for the diagram, navigation web, the e-mail and a lot other anchor.

Click here to go to their official website

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