Saturday, February 11, 2012



     The distro promises a lot. First, Dreamlinux 3.5 claims 100% multimedia support out of the box, something that any living being using computers will appreciate. One of the major perceived advantages of Windows over Linux distros is the support for proprietary audio and video formats, DVD playback and such.
     Although I have already shown on several occasions how extremely easy it is to obtain these gadgets on a variety of distros (Ubuntu, Linux Mint, Sabayon etc), Dreamlinux should be the next step in having it all ready and dandy.
     Then, there's the issue of beauty. Dreamlinux comes with a very sexy Xfce desktop, adorned with the Avant desktop manager, offering OSX-like looks with minimal hardware requirements. We have already seen OSX-like dock and style on gOS Linux, an Ubuntu-based distro. Again, Dreamlinux aims to take the bar one notch higher.


you can safely run it on a machine with as little as 128MB RAM, which is definitely appealing for people with old, low-end machines, which can be brought back to beautiful life by running Dreamlinux.

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