Monday, February 27, 2012


About moonOS

moonOS is a complete and fully functional operative system based on the LXDEEnlightenment DR17 and powered by the popular Linux DistributionUbuntu. moonOS, a project started and designed by the Cambodian artist Chanrithy Thim (12rithy), is perfect for any Desktop, Laptop PC or even for a Virtual Machine.
Here is the moonOS system based on Ubuntu:
  • Linux Kernel
  • LiveCD Installer
  • Packages
  • Repository

About Editions

moonOS Main Edition

moonOS Main Edition use Gnome as default is fast for Virtual Machine and include support for restricted formats, GRUB-GFX, moonOS tools and more...

moonOS LXDE Edition

moonOS LXDE Edition use LXDE as default. It fast and lightwieght good for old computur, include proprietary software, patented technologies, support for restricted formats, replace GRUB with GRUB-GFX, moonOS tools and more... Get it now!

Click here to go to their official website.

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